ACF publication reference: FR-PA-LOG-202501 

Entity : ACF International Network

Publication Date: January 20th 2025

Deadline for submission of offers: February 17th 2025 before 6:00 PM


Action Contre la Faim (ACF) was founded in 1979 by a group of French intellectuals in response to the emergency in Afghanistan. While the fight against hunger had previously been an element of more general humanitarian action (the fight against poverty, promoting better health, etc.) they founded an organisation that was exclusively dedicated to ending hunger. 

Since 1995, ACF has developed within the framework of an interdependent international network: ACF-International (ACF-IN) and has opened four additional headquarters in Madrid, London, New York and Montreal to better respond to the needs of populations.  

ACFIN intervenes in the following situations: 

  • In natural or man-made crises which threaten food security or result in famine, 
  • In situations of social / economic breakdown, linked to internal or external circumstances which place particular groups of people in an extremely vulnerable position, 
  • In situations where survival depends on humanitarian aid. 

ACFIN is now recognized as one of the leading organisations in the fight against hunger worldwide. 


The purpose of this Call for Tenders is to solicit competitive offers from reliable and specialist manufacturer for the supply of Specialized Nutritious Foods in order for ACFIN to treat and prevent malnutrition, and the related services: Transportation, Storage, Laboratory tests, Research partnership, etc. 

Regarding the technical validation of the offers, particular attention will be given to the respect of the micronutrient balance, the macronutrient composition and the microbiologic criteria of these Specialized Nutritious Food Products and to the capacity of the producers to manufacture these products in compliance with the high food industry standards allowing to ensure consistency of the safety and quality of the products.   

For information, ACF is a member of the Inter-Agency Working Group for Specialized Nutritious Foods (IAWG on SNFs). 

Required goods are divided in 4 lots: 

  • Lot 1 : Ready to Use Therapeutic Food RUTF (LNS-LQ)   
  • Lot 2 : Read to Use Supplementary Food RUSF (LNS-LQ)  
  • Lot 3 :  
    • Therapeutic Milk – F75  
    • Therapeutic Milk – F100  
  • Lot 4 : 
    • LNS-LQ for pregnant and breast-feeding women 
    • LNS-MQ 
    • LNS-SQ for pregnant and breast-feeding women 
    • LNS-SQ for 6-24 month-old kids 
    • Reconstitutable powder for ill adults  



Bidders can submit an offer for one or several or all lots.  


The objective is to sign Framework Agreements with one or several suppliers for 2 years. These contracts may then be extended two (2) times one (1) year. 

The bidding documents (tender dossier) can be obtained by interested parties by email from: 

  • Contact name: Mr Guillaume de HAUTECLOCQUE 
  • Title: Procurement Officer 


ACF does not bind itself to award the tender to the lowest tender or any bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the tender. 

The deadline for submitting the offers is February 17th 2025 before 6:00 pm PM (France Local time).