Expired Adverts

Licitación Abierta – Colombia- ITT-PRI-COL-BOG-2022-003- Servicios de impresión offset

FUNDACIÓN SAVE THE CHILDREN COLOMBIA   La Fundación Save the Children Colombia – FSCC, opera en el país desde hace más de 25 años mediante proyectos de cooperación, con el fin de promover integralmente los derechos de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes en condiciones de vulnerabilidad. Nuestros programas se desarrollan desde diversas áreas temáticas como la de educación, protección, asistencia humanitaria, salud, nutrición y reducción de pobreza reconociendo diferentes enfoques como el territorial, poblacional, diferencial, entre otros. Trabajamos principalmente en…

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CONCERN DRC: Expression of Interest to select a list of suppliers for WASH Constructions in Tanganyika, DRC.

Concern Worldwide DRC is looking for potential suppliers for WASH Constructions in Tanganyika under an expression of interest to select a list of suppliers for a maximum of 18 months. The tender pack can be requested at Kalemie office (Boulevard Patrice Lumumba – Ville de Kalemie). The bids must be submitted in hard copies at the Kalemie office address. Please see complete tender ad at: https://www.concern.net/accountability/supply-chains Tender Reference: AMI-DRC-GOM-KLM-ADD-2022-02-006B – WASH Constructions Deadline Date: Thursday 21st April 2022, 16:59 PM  (GMT+2)

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CONCERN DRC: Expression of Interest to select a list of suppliers for WASH Constructions in North Kivu, DRC.

Concern Worldwide DRC is looking for potential suppliers for WASH constructions in North Kivu under an expression of interest to select a list of suppliers for a maximum of 18 months. The tender pack can be requested at Goma office (Quartier des Volcans, Avenue Pelican No14 – Ville de Goma).The bids must be submitted in hard copies at the Goma office address. Please see complete tender ad at: https://www.concern.net/accountability/supply-chains Tender Reference: AMI-DRC-GOM-KLM-ADD-2022-02-006A – WASH Constructions Deadline Date: Thursday 21st April 2022, 16:59 PM…

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CONCERN WORLDWIDE: Call for Tender for purchase of 38 AFRIDEV hand pumps with delivery to Kalemie, DRC.

Concern Worldwide DRC is looking for qualified suppliers for the purchase of 38 AFRIDEV hand pumps. The tender pack can be requested at Kalemie office (Avenue Lumumba – Ville de Kalemie), Goma office (Avenue des Pélicans, Q/ Volcans – Ville de Goma) or through the mailbox tender.drc@concern.net. The bids must be submitted by email to tender.drc@concern.net or in hard copies at the Kalemie/Goma offices addresses. Please see complete tender ad at: https://www.concern.net/accountability/supply-chains Tender Reference: 000116 et DRC-GOM-SI019-Laura-21-011-015 – 38 AFRIDEV…

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Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Conference Photographers (DRC HQ)

DRC Civil Society Engagement Unit (CSEU) is looking for professional photographers for three conferences in Brussels, Geneva and Amsterdam during May-June 2022. DRC requests the interested candidates to submit the bids as described in the Annex B: Terms of Reference and Annex A: RFQ template. RFQ Reference no.: RFQ-HQ-CSEU-2022-010 RFQ publication date: 05 April 2022 RFQ closure date and time: 20 April 2022, 23:59 CEST = 21:59 GMT To download the full tender package please click on the link: RFQ-HQ-CSEU-2022-010…

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• Hire of a consultant to Conduct a Joint Learning Outcomes Assessment in South Sudan.

Documents are attached for Downloading Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the South Sudan and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.   Save the Children International in Juba is inviting submissions of tenders for a contract to provide the…

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Solar panel and solar fan with complete system tender Afghanistan CO

Save the Children International in Afghanistan is inviting submissions of tenders for Solar Panel and Solar Fans and Accessories, delivery will be to warehouses of Nangarhar, Sari Pol and Kandahar provinces. the successful supplier(s) will be awarded a ‘Contract’ which will commit SCI to complete the specified volume of goods as defined in the contract at the agreed rates. Your bid must be received, no later than 14/4/2022.   04_Tender ITT Package (ITT- PR-AFG-2022-NGR 324-KBL-471) Tender Notice (English) for (ITT- PR-AFG-2022-NGR 324-KBL-471) Attachments 04_Tender ITT…

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Save the Children is the world’s leading independent organisation for children. We save children’s lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential. We work together, with our partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. Save the Children Regional office in Amman-Jordan is inviting you to submit a tender for HAWALA services (حوالة) to cover our operational payments in the south and north of Yemen.…

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Licitación Abierta – Colombia- ITT-VIS-COL-BOG-2022-002 – Fabricación de productos textiles

FUNDACIÓN SAVE THE CHILDREN COLOMBIA   La Fundación Save the Children Colombia – FSCC, opera en el país desde hace más de 25 años mediante proyectos de cooperación, con el fin de promover integralmente los derechos de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes en condiciones de vulnerabilidad. Nuestros programas se desarrollan desde diversas áreas temáticas como la de educación, protección, asistencia humanitaria, salud, nutrición y reducción de pobreza reconociendo diferentes enfoques como el territorial, poblacional, diferencial, entre otros. Trabajamos principalmente en…

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Save the Children Myanmar Co is inviting you to bid on tender to supply IT and office automation equipment. the outcome of this tender is a 2 years Framework agreement.The Framework Agreement does not commit SCI to any purchases or specific volumes. Any future purchases which will be completed under separate Purchase Orders which will be governed and linked to the original Framework Agreement.   Deadline for submission: 29 Apr 2022 Annex A2- Items List (30.3.2022) ITT for IT Equipment &…

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Tender for the Supply of Food Items & Food Baskets

SCI wishes to identify one or more food wholesalers to provide Food Commodities and / or Food Baskets for our humanitarian projects around the world. There is a particular interest in the supply of these items in Ukraine, Romania, Poland and the surrounding area. The attached tender will help us to assess your capability and the typical pricing that is on offer. Please download the Word document ITT-FOO-UKR-GLO-001 for further information, and if you wish to bid, use the Excel Document…

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Licitación Abierta – Bolivia – ITT-IMP-LP-BOL-2022-001- Impresión de documentos varios

Somos la organización independiente a favor de la niñez más grande del mundo. Trabajamos en 120 países rescatando las vidas de niños, niñas y adolescentes, luchando por sus derechos y ayudándolos a desarrollar todo su potencial. Junto con nuestros socios, trabajamos para impulsar avances respecto a la forma en la que el mundo trata a la infancia y así lograr cambios inmediatos y duraderos en sus vidas. Si está interesado, por favor solicitar todos los documentos que componen esta licitación…

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Save the Children International (SCI) Pakistan CO invites you to tender for the provision of Pharmaceuticals. The expected outcome of this tender is Agreement for 2 years. SCI makes no commitment under this agreement until we issue subsequent purchase orders outlining specific products/service or volumes.   Deadline for submission: 18 April 2022 Annex A – Product List Specifications (for local medical tenders) 270322 Invitation to Tender (for local medical tenders) 270322 Tender Notice – Pharmaceutical supplies Attachments Annex A – Product List…

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Save the Children would like to invite bidders to submit their bids to provide printing services for Vietnam CO. the outcome of the tender is Framework agreement for 2 years.The Framework Agreement does not commit SCI to any purchases or specific volumes. Any future purchases which will be completed under separate Purchase Orders which will be governed and linked to the original Framework Agreement.   Deadline for submision: 09:00 18/4/2022   ITT_FWA for printing service_EN_final Attachments ITT_FWA for printing service_EN_final (4…

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International Call for Tender_ACTED_Yemen_Supply of Livestock Animals (Lahj Governorate)

T/15DYK/D34/ALV/LIV_ANI_ SOUTH/ADN /24-03-2022 ACTED, implementing the project “Promoting resilience and social cohesion through an integrated response to vulnerable communities in Yemen” under EuropeAid funding is inviting suppliers to submit their offers for the: Supply of Livestock animals – Lahj Governorate توريد ماشية محافظة لحج Lot المرحلة Description الوصف Delivery Conditions شروط التوصيل Deadline موعد التسليم النهائي 1 Supply of Livestock animals – Lahj Governorate   توريد ماشية – محافظة لحج  DDP to Multiple distribution sites in Lahj Governorate   تسليم…

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Hotel, Accommodation and Conferencing facilities in Nairobi

Tearfund is a Christian charity which partners with churches in more than 50 of the world’s poorest countries. We tackle poverty and injustice through sustainable development, by responding to disasters and challenging injustice. We believe an end to extreme poverty is possible.Thousands of people needlessly suffer and die every day because of poverty. But that’s not God’s plan for the world. And God is calling you – all of us – to reach out to people in greatest need. We…

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CONCERN DRC: Call for Suppliers for the establishment of Framework Agreement Contract for printing with delivery to Kalemie, DRC

Concern Worldwide DRC is looking for potential suppliers for printing under a framework agreements with fixed prices. The tender pack can be requested at Kalemie office (Avenue Lumumba – Ville de Kalemie) or through the mailbox tender.drc@concern.net. The bids must be submitted by email to tender.drc@concern.net or in hard copies at the Kalemie office address. Tender Reference: AO DRC-KLM-LOG-2022-03-002 – Printing FWA Deadline Date: Monday 4th April 2022, 16:59 PM  (GMT+2)

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CONCERN DRC: Call for Suppliers for the establishment of Framework Agreement Contract for the provision of stationary with delivery to Kalemie, DRC

Concern Worldwide DRC is looking for potential suppliers for the provisions of stationary under a framework agreements with fixed prices. The tender pack can be requested at Kalemie office (Avenue Lumumba – Ville de Kalemie) or through the mailbox tender.drc@concern.net. The bids must be submitted by email to tender.drc@concern.net or in hard copies at the Kalemie office address. Tender Reference: AO-DRC-KLM-LOG-2022-03-001 – Stationary FWA Deadline date: Thursday 31st March 2022, 16:59 PM  (GMT+2)

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RFI FY22-160 Audit Management System

Plan International Limited is inviting interested parties to submit proposals for Audit Management System. Please use reference “RFI FY22-160 Audit Management System ” in all communications. Responses should be submitted no later than  23.59 (GMT), 05 April 2022. Women-owned businesses and companies actively engaged or advancing gender equality and women empowerment in the workplace are especially encouraged to apply. RFI FY22_0160 Audit Management System Attachments RFI FY22_0160 Audit Management System (203 kB)

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• Conducting gender Equality and Safety Audit at SCI-BHA Nutrition sites, Health, WASH and Child Friendly Spaces (CFS) facilities. March 2022

Documents for Downloading Attached Save the Children believes every child deserves a future. In the South Sudan and around the world, we give children a healthy start in life, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. We do whatever it takes for children – every day and in times of crisis – transforming their lives and the future we share.   Save the Children International in Juba is inviting submissions of tenders for a contract to provide the following…

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