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Request for Quotation (RFQ) for a consultancy; Development and implementation of a capacity building curriculum for the staff working at the Rifugio Massi in Oulx (DRC Italy)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Italy office with funding from its crowdfunding Christmas campaign “Supporta la Clinica di Frontiera” for the implementation of activities within the Northern borders project in 2022, hereby request you to submit prices for the supply of services: “Development and implementation of a capacity building curriculum for the staff working at the Rifugio Massi in Oulx to increase the humanitarian response” listed on this Bidding Form titled RFQ No. 001_RFQ_2022’’ RFQ Reference no.: RFQ no. 001_RFQ_2022…

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AVIS D’APPEL D’OFFRES MEDECIN DU TRAVAIL (Réf. : ITT-HRS-CIV-2022-001)   Save the Children est une organisation internationale indépendante, sans affiliation politique ni religieuse, leader dans la promotion et la protection des droits de l’enfant dans le monde, créée en 1919 au Royaume-Uni et présente en Côte d’Ivoire depuis 1991. En collaboration avec ses partenaires nationaux, elle délivre à des millions d’enfants, des programmes dans les secteurs suivants : Education, Santé/Nutrition, Protection de l’Enfant, Reduction de la Pauvreté infantile, Gouvernance pour…

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  Avis d’appel d’offres-Materiels informatiquesAvis d’appel d’offres-Materiels informatiques                                (Réf. : ITT-HDW-CIV-2022-002)   Save the Children est une organisation internationale indépendante, sans affiliation politique ni religieuse, leader dans la promotion et la protection des droits de l’enfant dans le monde, créée en 1919 au Royaume-Uni et présente en Côte d’Ivoire depuis 1991. En collaboration avec ses partenaires nationaux, elle délivre à des millions d’enfants, des programmes…

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Somos la organización independiente a favor de la niñez más grande del mundo. Trabajamos en 120 países rescatando las vidas de niños, niñas y adolescentes, luchando por sus derechos y ayudándolos a desarrollar todo su potencial. Junto con nuestros socios, trabajamos para impulsar avances respecto a la forma en la que el mundo trata a la infancia y así lograr cambios inmediatos y duraderos en sus vidas. LICITACIÓN PÚBLICA ABIERTA PARA CONFECCIONES DE ROPA PUBLICITARIA Y UTILITARIOS ITT-CONF-PER-2022-01 Si está…

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Call for expression of interest to participate in tender for Vehical Rental & Construction Save the Children Nigeria

            Tender Ref: RFP/NIG/MAID2022/001 & RFP/NIG/MAID/2022/002 CALL FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST TO PARTICIPATE IN THE TENDER FOR: VEHICLE RENTAL LOT 1: RFP/NIG/MAID/2022/001 & CONSTRUCTION LOT2: RFP/NIG/MAID/2022/002  Save the Children Nigeria requires the services of Car hire vendors and Construction companies to participate in the tender process for SCI Borno office on a 2 years Framework agreement basis.  Location and official travel involved The location of coverage will be Borno State. To qualify, the company must be located in Borno or have…

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RFQ FY22-104 Humanitarian Learning Review

Background Information on Plan International Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We…

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Save the Children, Nepal Country Office is inviting you to participate in Tender to provide Insurance Service (Non- life). Tender outcome is Framework Agreement for 2 Years or Spend of FWA amount whichever comes first. The Framework Agreement does not commit SCI to any purchases or specific volumes. LAST DAY TO SUBMIT BIDS: MARCH 9, 2022, 1600 HRS Tender Notice SCI-NEP-ITT-2022-002 Invitation to Tender-SCI-NEP-ITT-2022-002-Insurance Annex IV re-Insurer Details Annex III Client List and Details Annex II Critical Illness Annex I table of benefit…

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Appel à candidature pour travail de consultance en Afrique de l’Ouest

Consultance régionale pour accompagnement de la mise en œuvre du plaidoyer et soutien aux instances décisionnelles régionales, nationales et locales pour la mise en œuvre des politiques et des plans d’actions promouvant les Droits et la Protection des EJM.   Le/a consultant/e aura comme mandat principal de :  –        Accompagner les organisations de jeunes partenaires de PROTEJEM dans l’élaboration d’une version child-friendly des recommandations de la cartographie réalisée par PROTEJEM et l’Initiative pour les Droits de l’Enfant dans les Pactes…

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Tender Advertisement – Afghanistan – Purchase of stationery and hygiene items for education

We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded on the ideals of humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity. We consider human dignity and freedom to be fundamental values. We believe that people anywhere in the world should have the right to make decisions about their lives and to share the rights expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are part of Alliance2015, a strategic network of eight European non-governmental organizations engaged in humanitarian aid and development projects. This collaboration increases effectivity…

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Save the Children Bangladesh CO. is invitiong you to bid on tender to supply Laptop, Desktop, Monitor and Docking Station. the outcome of the tender is framework agreement for initially 1 year and subject to 1 year extension (subject to SCI approval). SCI makes no commitment under this agreement until we issue subsequent purchase orders outlining specific products/service or volumes. SUBMISSION DEADLINE : 3:00PM-Bangladesh time- ON 07/03/2022 Invitation of Tender of ICT Hardware FWA

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Request for Quotation (RFQ) for a consultancy for the development of research design (DRC HQ)

The Mixed Migration Centre (MMC) is a global network consisting of six regional hubs (Asia, East Africa, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North Africa, West Africa) and a central unit in Geneva. The MMC is a leading source for independent and high-quality data, research, analysis and expertise on mixed migration. The MMC aims to increase understanding of mixed migration, to positively impact global and regional migration policies, to inform evidence-based protection responses for people on the move and to…

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Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the Provision of Market Vouchers in Turkey (FWA)

GOAL Established in 1977, GOAL is an international humanitarian and development agency committed to working with communities to achieve sustainable and innovative early response in crises and to assist them to build lasting solutions to mitigate poverty and vulnerability. GOAL has worked in over 60 countries and responded to almost every major humanitarian disaster. We are currently operational in 13 countries globally. For more information on GOAL and its operations please visit www.goalglobal.org. Supply and Service Specification: GOAL invites prospective…

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Licitación Abierta No. de Ref: ITT-EEC-GUAT-GUAT-2022-001 – TELEVISORES Y BOCINAS (BAFLES)

Aviso de Licitación    Save the Children cree que cada niño merece un buen futuro. En Guatemala, así como en otros países alrededor del mundo, les brindamos a los niños un comienzo saludable en la vida, la oportunidad de aprender y protección contra cualquier peligro. Hacemos lo que sea necesario -tanto a diario, como en tiempos de crisis- para transformar las vidas de los niños y el futuro que compartimos.    Save the Children International en Guatemala le invita a…

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CONCERN WORLDWIDE KENYA: Call for bids for Vehicle hire services

Concern Worldwide Kenya currently engages service providers for vehicle hires in the locations where we work. We are now tendering to further engage service providers for one year. Bidders who are interested can request the Tender dossier by sending their request to Nairobi.tenders@concern.net. Please see complete tender ad at: https://www.concern.net/accountability/supply-chains Tender Reference:  22/01 Deadline Date: 25 February 2022 @16:00 hrs (East African Time)

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CONCERN WORLDWIDE NIGER: Call for expressions of interest for supply of foodstuffs for 12 months in Niger

Concern Worldwide Niger is inviting reputable and reliable suppliers to submit bids for framework agreement(s) for the provision of foodstuffs to Concern Niger for 12 months (with a possible renewal for 6 more months). Bidders who are interested can request the Tender dossier by sending their requests to niger.tenders@concern.net.  The bids must be submitted in hard copies (Concern office address: Avenue Mali Béro, Rue IB42, Quartier Plateau, BP.741, Niamey, Niger – next to the IOM Office). Bids that will be submitted…

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CONCERN WORLDWIDE DRC: Suppliers for the establishment of Framework Agreement Contract for rental vehicles to use in Goma and localities in North Kivu, DRC

Concern Worldwide DRC is looking for potential suppliers for rental vehicles to use in Goma and localities in North Kivu under a framework agreements with fixed prices. The tender pack can be requested at Goma office (Quartier des Volcans, Avenue Pelican No14 – Ville de Goma) or through the mailbox tender.drc@concern.net. The bids must be submitted by email to tender.drc@concern.net or in hard copies at the Goma office address. Please see tender ad at: https://www.concern.net/accountability/supply-chains Tender Reference: AO-DRC-GOM-LOG-2022-01-004 – Rental vehicles Deadline Date: Wednesday…

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Request for Quotation (RFQ) for a peacebuilding, research and facilitation consultant based in Kenya

The Danish Refugee Council (DCR), Conducive Space for Peace (CSP) and the Danish Network for Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding are seeking the services of a senior consultant based in Kenya with a strong peacebuilding, research and facilitation expertise to conduct research in the Malkamari area of Kenya, undertake multistakeholder consultation and produce a practice note for Danish NGOs on the Peacebuilding pillar of the triple Nexus. DRC requests the interested candidates to submit the bids for the assignment as described…

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Invitation to Tender (ITT) for the supply of Core Relief Items in Turkey under Framework Agreement

GOAL Established in 1977, GOAL is an international humanitarian and development agency committed to working with communities to achieve sustainable and innovative early response in crises and to assist them to build lasting solutions to mitigate poverty and vulnerability. GOAL has worked in over 60 countries and responded to almost every major humanitarian disaster. We are currently operational in 13 countries globally. For more information on GOAL and its operations please visit www.goalglobal.org. Supply and Service Specification: GOAL invites prospective…

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Invitation to tender for three lots PSA Production, Broadcast in national and local FM networks,Broadcast in television for Nepal CO

Save the Children calls for established and experienced companies to design, develop, and disseminate high quality radio and TV public service announcements (PSAs). We are looking for skilled technical companies to support social behaviour change communications (SBCC) actions, to nudge communities that we work with and for, and achieve desired behaviour level change results from the media products, and strategic dissemination. the outcome of this tender is 2 years framework agreemnent The Framework Agreement does not commit SCI to any…

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CONCERN WORLDWIDE DRC: Suppliers for the establishment of Framework Agreement Contract for the provision of hardware materials, plumbing material, woods and aggregates to Kitshanga and Mweso, DRC.

Concern Worldwide DRC is looking for potential suppliers for the provisions of hardware materials, plumbing material, woods and aggregates to Kitshanga and Mweso under a framework agreements with fixed prices. The tender pack can be requested only at Kitshanga office (Avenue President Mobutu – Ville de Kitshanga). The bids must be submitted in hard copies at the Kitshanga office address. Please see tender ad at: https://www.concern.net/accountability/supply-chains Tender Reference: AO-DRC-KITSH-LOG-001-DEC-2021 – Hardware materials, plumbing material, woods and aggregates Deadline Date: Friday 18th Feb…

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