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CONCERN WORLDWIDE IRAQ/SYRIA: Call for Expression of interest for Pre-Qualified suppliers for WASH and Rehabilitation projects

Concern Worldwide Syria invites pre-qualification applications from professional suppliers/companies/Contractors for carrying out WASH and Shelter works in NES (Kobane, Manbij, Raqqa, Tabqa, Deir Al Zour), the pre-qualified suppliers/companies/Contractors will be contracted by Concern through competitive bidding process, when and where needed for a period of 18 months in North East Syria. The tender dossier can be found at:  https://www.concern.net/accountability/supply-chains. The applications/requested documents can be submitted by email to: iraq.tender@concern.net Only. Tender Reference: CW-SY-0821-PQS-WASH Deadline Date: Sunday 06th February 2022 14:00  (Syria time)

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Save the Children International (SCI) invites you to tender for provision of items categorized as Personal Protective Equipment, Infection Prevention and Control, Medical Equipment, First aid and Trauma kits. Outcome of Tender; selected suppliers awarded with 2 years Non-Fixed Price Framework Agreement. SCI makes no commitment under this agreement until we issue subsequent purchase orders. Deadline for submission: 24 Jan 2022 at 3:00pm AFG Time Tender Notice ITT Ref ITT-PPE-Med Equipment AFG-KBL-2021-003 ITT for Provision of PPE Ref ITT-PPE-AFG-KBL-2021-003 Attachments…

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Request for Proposal (RFP) for supply of Shelter materials (construction) (DRC Sudan). 

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) – Sudan Khartoum has received a grant from Bureau of Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) for the implementation of the humanitarian ai: rehabilitation of urban houses. Part of this operation is the supply of the following goods which have been combined into making two Lot as stipulated below: LOT 01: Shelter materials (construction) LOT 02: Warehousing and transportation of goods. Therefore, the DRC requests you to submit price bid(s) for the supply of the item(s) listed on…

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RFP 22 001 APCJ DPEG – Solicitud propuesta consultoría Medición huella carbono

Oxfam centra sus actividades en dar una respuesta completa a la pobreza, trabajando de manera coherente en las cuatro áreas que constituyen su identidad: cooperación para el desarrollo, acción humanitaria, comercio justo, movilización social, campañas y educación para una ciudadanía global. Oxfam está lanzando un proceso de solicitud de propuesta para un Servicio de consultoría para la MEDICIÓN DE LA HUELLA DE CARBONO DEL CAFÉ VERDE DE COMERCIO JUSTO OXFAM INTERMÓN. Titulo: MEDICIÓN DE HUELLA DE CARBONO DEL CAFÉ VERDE DE…

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CONCERN WORLDWIDE DRC: Suppliers for the establishment of prequalification for the provisions of seeds, tools and food to Nyunzu, Manono, Kabalo, Kalemie Tanganyika, DRC

Concern Worldwide DRC is looking for potential contractants for the provisions of seeds, tools and food to Nyunzu, Manono, Kabalo, Kalemie, Tanganyika, DRC. The prequalified suppliers will be addresses punctual requests for quotes for punctual contracts for a period of one year.The tender application files will be withdrawn in Nyunzu, Manono, Kabalo and Kalemie offices in hard copies and can be requested at tender.drc@concern.net . They will be deposited in hard copies Nyunzu, Manono, Kabalo and Kalemie offices and in soft…

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Appel d’offre_ACTED_France_Services d’hébergement et ingérence externalisés

P/99HQ/HQ4C/011/HQ/10-01-2022/001     Afin de pouvoir supporter les ambitions de sa transformation numérique, ACTED doit se doter de nouvelles infrastructures d’hébergement et effectuer un virage vers le Cloud.   Ainsi, ACTED invite les fournisseurs de services à soumettre des candidatures pour tous les lots de services d’hébergement et d’infogérance pour externaliser les couches basses de son SI dans une logique de cloud hybride déclinée selon les axes suivants : Le renforcement de son utilisation des solutions SaaS du marché et notamment…

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ACTED – Yemen – International Call for Tender – Cash for Work (CFW) Supply Tools & Materials – Dhamar

T/15DYK/D34DFW/DHMR/CFW/04-01-2022/001 International Call for Tender ACTED Yemen دعوة لمناقصة دولية – اليم ن منظمه اكت د Bid Reference Number: : رقم مرجع المناقص ة T/15DYK/D34DFW/DHMR/CFW/04-01-2022/001 ACTED is inviting suppliers to submit an offer for the procurement of: Cash for Work (CFW) Supply Tools & Materials – Dhamar منظمة أكتد )وكالة التعاون التقني والتنمية( تدعوا الموردين المتخصصين لتقديم عروضهم لمشروع: النقد مقابل العمل – توريد الأدوات والمواد محافظة ذمار Lot Description الوص ف Delivery Conditions شروط التوصي ل Delivery Deadline /…

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Request for Quotation (RFQ) for Three (3) month Fundraising Consultancy Services (DRC Greece)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is looking for a short term Fundraising Consultant for its operations in Greece. Questions : please address them to: grc-ath-procurement@drc.ngo RFQ Reference no.: RFQ-GRC-ATH5-2112037   RFQ Publication date: 04 January 2022 RFQ Closure date and time: local EET: 14 January 2022 12:00 = GMT: 14 January 2022, 10:00 Please click the link to download relevant Terms of Reference (TOR). Attachments Terms of Reference (TOR). (29 kB)

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School Bag under Framework Agreement for Bangladesh CO

Save the Children International (SCI) invites you to tender for the provision of School Bag. This tender pack has been specifically created to provide you with all the information required to understand SCI’s requirements. The tender outcome is initially 2 years Framework Agreement and further extension 1 year (subject to SCI approval). SCI makes no commitment under this agreement until we issue subsequent purchase orders outlining specific products/service or volumes. Deadline for submission: 20/01/2022 Invitation to Tender for School Bag…

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Construction Material under Framework Agreement for Bangladesh CO

Save the Children International (SCI) invites you to tender for the provision of Construction Material. This tender pack has been specifically created to provide you with all the information required to understand SCI’s requirements. The outcome of the tender is initially 2 years framework agreement and further extension 1 year (subject to SCI approval). SCI makes no commitment under this agreement until we issue subsequent purchase orders outlining specific products/service or volumes. Deadline for submission: 20/01/2022 Invitation to Tender for…

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SCI wants to enter into a framework agreement with one or more Financial Service Providers (FSP) for the distribution of cash and / or to its beneficiaries in its area of operation. The FSP thus identified will need to undertake cash and/or transfers to the targeted beneficiaries in quick and efficient manner in compliance with SCI rules and regulation and in due coordination with SCI and its other implementing partners. The major objecttive of this partnership will be to support…

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Licitación Venezuela Servicio de Asesoría Legal ITT-LEG-VEN-CCS-2022-001

AVISO Somos la organización independiente a favor de la niñez más grande del mundo. Trabajamos en 120 países rescatando las vidas de niños, niñas y adolescentes, luchando por sus derechos y ayudándolos a desarrollar todo su potencial. Junto con nuestros socios, trabajamos para impulsar avances respecto a la forma en la que el mundo trata a la infancia y así lograr cambios inmediatos y duraderos en sus vidas.                     Licitación Servicio de Asesoría Legal ITT-LEG-VEN-CCS-2022-001 Si está interesado, por…

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Licitación Abierta No. ITT-ADC-COL-BOG-2021-003 para construcción y adecuaciones locativas en 40 instituciones educativas

FUNDACIÓN SAVE THE CHILDREN COLOMBIA La Fundación Save the Children Colombia – FSCC, opera en el país desde hace más de 25 años mediante proyectos de cooperación, con el fin de promover integralmente los derechos de niñas, niños, adolescentes y jóvenes en condiciones de vulnerabilidad. Nuestros programas se desarrollan desde diversas áreas temáticas como la de educación, protección, asistencia humanitaria, salud, nutrición y reducción de pobreza reconociendo diferentes enfoques como el territorial, poblacional, diferencial, entre otros. Trabajamos principalmente en municipios…

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ACTED – Lebanon – International Call for Tender – Rehabilitation of Potable and Storm Water Network in Southern Suburb of Beirut

INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER Rehabilitation of Potable and Storm Water Network in Southern Suburb of Beirut   T/11EKA/D65AON-D65AOU/BRT/PRG/28-12-2021/001     Description INCOTERMS/ Delivery point Category Delivery deadline Rehabilitation of Potable and Storm Water Network in Southern Suburb of Beirut DDP BEIRUT Works/Products Refer to instructions in bidders’ documents ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development) partner in the HAWKAMA consortium, is inviting suppliers of works to submit offers for the following description of the works/products:   The tender will be…

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ACTED – Yemen – International Call for Tender – Supply and Installation of 6 Complete Pumping Units in AlDhalee Governorate

    International Call for Tender ACTED Yemen دعوة لمناقصة دولية – اليمن منظمه اكتد Bid Reference Number: : رقم مرجع المناقصة T/15EJR/94FAWR/ALD/PUMPS/23-12-2021/001   ACTED is inviting suppliers to submit an offer for the:   Supply and Installation of 5 Complete Pumping Units in AlDhalee Governorate   منظمة أكتد (وكالة التعاون التقني والتنمية) تدعوا الموردين المتخصصين لتقديم عروضهم لمشروع: توريد وتركيب عدد 5 وحدات ضخ مياة في محافظة الضالع   Lot Description الوصف Delivery Conditions شروط التوصيل Delivery Deadline /…

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Invitation to tender to provide Food and nutrition items for Bangladesh CO

Save the Children International (SCI) is hereby inviting the tender from interested, experienced and bona fide vendors for supplying Food and Nutritional Items for 2 places at Daulatdia, Rajbari district and Faridpur district.The outcome of the tender is Contract – the successful supplier(s) will be awarded a ‘Contract’ which will commit SCI to purchase the specified quantity of goods / services as defined in the contract at the agreed rates. Deadline for submission 13/01/2022 FOOD NUTRITIONAL ITEMS SC-PR-13 Invitation to…

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Request for Proposal (RFP) Curriculum Co-Creation for Remote Work (DRC Jordan)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has received a grant from [Novo Nordisk Foundation] for the implementation of the humanitarian aid operation entitled [Resilient Youth, Socially and Economically Empowered (RYSE)]. This RFP is launched for signing a contract with a consultancy firm to develop a market-oriented curriculum that will enable vulnerable Jordanians and Syrian refugees to take up and successfully carry out remote work. RFP Reference no: RFP/JOR/AMM/2021/005 RFP publication date: 24 December 2021 RFP closure date and time: local Jordan…

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Tender Advertisement – Turkey – Framework Tender for the provision of Wheat Flour

We are a non-governmental, non-profit organization founded on the ideals of humanism, freedom, equality and solidarity. We consider human dignity and freedom to be fundamental values. We believe that people anywhere in the world should have the right to make decisions about their lives and to share the rights expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are part of Alliance2015, a strategic network of eight European non-governmental organizations engaged in humanitarian aid and development projects. This collaboration increases effectivity…

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Oxfam focuses its activities on providing a comprehensive response to poverty, working cohesively in the four areas that constitute its identity: development cooperation, humanitarian action, faire trade, social mobilization, campaigns and education for global citizenship. Oxfam is conducting a Request for Proposal (RFP) process and invites you to submit a proposal to provide Oxfam, within their requirements, for: TITLE : MULTILATERAL CLIMATE FUNDRAISING CONSULTANCY Oxfam Program – OXFAM CLIMATE INITIATIVE Objective of the assignment: « Strengthening Oxfam country offices and Southern affiliates leadership on…

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