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Invitation to Tender: Taxi Services (TF-UK-2020-04).

Tearfund is a Relief & Development charity that operates as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO). Tearfund works in over 50 countries in close partnership with churches and other Christian organisations. For more information on the work of Tearfund, please visit our website at www.tearfund.org or contact us directly.  Tearfund is seeking to enter into an agreement with a taxi company to provide taxi services for Tearfund staff and other stakeholders primarily for airport trips but also for other ad hoc trips in the…

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Invitation to Tender: Tearfund, TF-UK-2020-03 Mobile Satellite Services

(27/08/20 – Please note, additional clarifications have now been added in the attached PDF document ‘Clarifications for Mobile Satellite Services) Tearfund is a Relief & Development charity that operates as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO). Tearfund works in over 50 countries in close partnership with churches and other Christian organisations. For more information on the work of Tearfund, please visit our website at www.tearfund.org or contact us directly.  Tearfund is seeking to enter into a framework agreement with a Supplier…

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““Emergency assistance and support recovery to IDPs and conflict-affected populations through a multi-sectoral approach (OFDA)”  INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER دعوه لمناقصه محلية  ACTED Yemen منظمه اكتد Tender reference  مرجع المناقصة T/15DMM/28F/INF/25-06-2020/001   ACTED implementing the project “Emergency assistance and support recovery to IDPs and conflict-affected populations through a multi-sectoral approach” under OFDA’s funding is inviting clothing vendors to submit offers for the following lot:   تم تنفيذ مشروع “المساعدة الطارئة ودعم التعافي للنازحين والسكان المتضررين من النزاع من خلال نهج…

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AVIS D’APPEL D’OFFRES Save the Children est la première organisation indépendante au monde pour la défense et la protection des droits des enfants. Créée en 1919 et présente en Côte d’Ivoire depuis 1996, elle met en œuvre des programmes dans les domaines de la santé-nutrition, de la protection de l’enfant, de l’éducation, de la gouvernance des droits de l’enfant et de la pauvreté & moyens de subsistance.Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de ses activités, Save the Children…

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Invitation to Tender: TEARFUND, TF-UK-2020-02 – Printing of Tear Times

Tender Reference Number: TF-UK-2020-02.   Tearfund is a Relief & Development charity that operates as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO). For more information on the work of Tearfund, please visit our website at www.tearfund.org  Tearfund is seeking to enter into a contract with a Supplier to deliver the printing and mailing services for our Tear Times magazine which has three editions a year.  For full information please see attached documents.  Having read through the tender documents, should you have any…

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Invitation to Tender: TEARFUND, TF-UK-2020-01 – Vehicle Purchase

Tender Reference Number: TF-UK-2020-01.   Tearfund is a Relief & Development charity that operates as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO). For more information on the work of Tearfund, please visit our website at www.tearfund.org  Tearfund is seeking to enter into a framework agreement with suppliers for new vehicle purchases for two lots:  Toyotas – typically 4-wheel drive vehicles for use in more arduous conditions  Other branded vehicles – for use in less arduous conditions such as city driving For full…

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Tender Advertisement- Northern Syria- 3rd Party Monitoring for WASH Programme

GOAL Syria has implemented a large-scale WASH Programme in Idleb Governorate across the districts of Ariha, Harem, Idleb and Jisr-Ash-Shugur since 2014. The approach of this programme is to invest in the capacity of existing water systems to facilitate sustainability of programme outcomes. The programme requiring Third Party Monitoring services (TPM) is the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) programme with a desired outcome that community water systems are efficiently and effectively managed and the community is informed, invested and supportive…

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International Call for Tender_Lybia_Financial Services

Tender Ref. #T/FWA/MULTI/FSP/TUNISIA/LIBYA/16/03/2020 ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development), is implementing several projects in Libya and is inviting suppliers of consultant services to submit offers for the following lot: Lot# 1 Description: Financial service provider INCOTERMS/Delivery point: DDP Tripoli,Benghazi& Sebha Category :Services Delivery deadline :Refer to instructions in bidders’ documents The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified suppliers and service providers. The Bidding Document package (in English) may be collected free of…

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ITT for Mobile Satellite Solutions (Hardware and Airtime Services)

Mobile Satellite Solutions (MSS) are used widely by Save the Children International (SCI) in many countries. Our teams depend on MSS for staff safety and security in countries where there is a high risk to operations from natural disasters or direct threat to safety of life due to war and other events. This tender calls for bids from MSS providers who are able to provide a value for money service as well as being quick to respond to support requests…

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Consultancy Support on design and writing Food Security and Livelihood assessment and proposal

Référence : CNT/SRV/JUB/CON/001/19 This request for expression is open to all the elligible consultants, in accordance with Solidarites International recruitment procedures. Objective of the mission : MISSION Purpose : Main objective: Support on design and writing FSL assessment and proposal The proposed mission aims to support the SI South Sudan mission in the design and the writing of the DFID proposal, in close collaboration with the HQ – desk and DOAP. The listed objectives can be adjusted according to the starting…

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Avis d’appel d’offre international AO/SCI/NIG/2019/012

Niamey, le 25/06/19 Avis d’appel d’offre international      AO/SCI/NIG/2019/012 Save the Children International est la première organisation indépendante au monde pour les enfants. Nous travaillons dans 120 pays. Nous sauvons la vie des enfants; nous nous battons pour leurs droits ; nous les aidons à réaliser leur potentiel. Nous travaillons de concert avec nos partenaires, à inspirer des changements majeurs dans la façon dont le monde traite les enfants et à réaliser des changements immédiats et durables dans leurs vies.…

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Invitation to Tender: Tearfund – Consultant to undertake Training in Iraq

Tearfund is seeking a highly qualified  MHPSS consultant to undertake training and resourcing of Tearfund staff in Iraq to support the project and close gaps in knowledge and skills. Please see Terms of Reference (TOR) for more information and a full description of the role. For more details on how to apply please refer to the the instructions in the Terms of Reference attached. Closing date: 30th April 2019. Attachments Terms of Reference Teafund MHPSS Training Iraq (84 kB)

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Invitation to Tender: Tearfund – Iraq MHPSS Consultant

Tearfund is seeking a highly qualified  MHPSS consultant to review and improve existing mental health awareness and psychosocial support curricula for adults (ages 17+) in several areas of their work in Iraq. Please see Terms of Reference (TOR) for more information and a full description of the role. For more details on how to apply please refer to the the instructions in the Terms of Reference attached. Closing date: 30th April 2019. Attachments Terms of Reference – Tearfund – MHPSS…

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Invitation to Tender: TEARFUND, TF-UK-2019-01 International Vetting Service

Tender number: TF-UK-2019-01 – Invitation to Tender – International Vetting Service Tearfund is a Relief & Development charity that operates as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO) across 50 countries in South and Central America, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and Asia.. For more information on the work of Tearfund, please visit our website at www.tearfund.org or contact us directly. Tearfund is seeking to enter into an agreement with a Contractor(s) to provide an international criminal record checking service as part…

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APPEL D’OFFRE INTERNATIONAL – T/99ACT/HQ/VOYAGEHUB/25-02-2019/001 – Prestations d’agence de voyages, de transports et services associés et services d’hébergement – REPONSES/PRECISIONS#2

APPEL D’OFFRE INTERNATIONAL T/99ACT/HQ/VOYAGEHUB/25-02-2019/001             REPONSES AUX QUESTIONS, PRECISIONS & EXTENSION DE LA PERIODE D’OUVERTURE MISE A JOUR DU 18 MARS 2019 Réponses aux questions Sites de publication Cet appel d’offre est disponible sur les sites suivants : www.acted.org Cahier des charges : 3.1 : P4 : La présentation des assurances obligatoires et facultatives liées au voyage et/ou moyens de transport qu’il appartiendra au groupe ACTED de souscrire le cas échéant = qu’entendez-vous par assurances obligatoires ? y’a des situations dans…

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Tender Notice – Save the Children – ITT-GHT2019-001 – Networking Equipment

Save the Children is the world’s leading independent organisation for children. We work in 120 countries. We save children’s lives; we fight for their rights; we help them fulfil their potential. We work together, with our partners, to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives. We have over two million supporters worldwide and raised 1.6 billion dollars in 2011 to reach more children than ever before, through programmes…

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 AVIS DE MANIFESTATION D’INTERET SERVICES DE CONSULTANCE   Date : 28 Décembre 2018 Haïti – Projet de Projet d’appui à la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle dans la Grand ’Anse – Communes de l’Anse d’Hainault et des Irois »    Titre : Consultance pour L’Etude sur les filières locales agricoles et  de pêches et étude de marché existant dans la Grande Anse Référence : CNT/SRV/PAP/CON/001/19 Cette sollicitation de manifestation d’intérêt est ouverte à tous les consultants éligibles, conformément aux procédures de recrutement de…

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INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER_Lebanon_Supply and install U gutter for water drainage

PUBLICATION OF AN INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER T/11CJZ/80DATW/BRT/PRG/13-10-2018   ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development), is implementing several projects in Lebanon and is inviting suppliers of products and services to submit offers for the following call for tender:   Lot no. Description INCOTERMS Category 1 Supply and install U gutter for water drainage DDP- Wadi khaled – Akkar Supply and install   Category: Works/Products Delivery deadline: Refer to instructions in bidders’ documents   The tender will be conducted using…

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MAG 18 05 Detector Equipment

MAG’s vision is a safe and secure future for men, women and children affected by armed violence and conflict. Since 1989 we have worked in more than 40 countries to save lives and build futures by: Reclaiming land contaminated with the remnants of conflict, such as landmines, cluster munitions, bombs, shells and mortars; Finding ways to reduce the daily risk of death or injury for civilians; and Creating safe and secure conditions for development. MAG shares the 1997 Nobel Peace…

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MAG 18 04 Travel Management Services

MAG’s vision is a safe and secure future for men, women and children affected by armed violence and conflict. Since 1989 we have worked in more than 40 countries to save lives and build futures by: Reclaiming land contaminated with the remnants of conflict, such as landmines, cluster munitions, bombs, shells and mortars; Finding ways to reduce the daily risk of death or injury for civilians; and Creating safe and secure conditions for development. MAG shares the 1997 Nobel Peace…

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