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ITT FY24 – 0191 Travel Management Services

  Background Information on Plan International   Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child, but this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination, and its girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable…

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Tender 23-24 011 CEA DOPS – Certificate of Financial Statement ECHO

Somos una red de cambio que lucha contra las desigualdades para acabar con la pobreza y la injusticia. Queremos construir un mundo igualitario y sostenible, que ponga en el centro a las personas y al planeta. Apoyamos hoy a las poblaciones que se encuentran en situación de vulnerabilidad extrema, al tiempo que abordamos las causas que provocan las desigualdades para encontrar soluciones a largo plazo. Porque todo el mundo merece igualdad de oportunidades y derechos para prosperar y no solo…

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RFP 23-24 014 AFP DPCI – Consult formulacion UE CERV Ayuda a 3os

Somos una red de cambio que lucha contra las desigualdades para acabar con la pobreza y la injusticia. Queremos construir un mundo igualitario y sostenible, que ponga en el centro a las personas y al planeta. Apoyamos hoy a las poblaciones que se encuentran en situación de vulnerabilidad extrema, al tiempo que abordamos las causas que provocan las desigualdades para encontrar soluciones a largo plazo. Porque todo el mundo merece igualdad de oportunidades y derechos para prosperar y no solo…

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INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR PREQUALIFICATION_MOLDOVA_Works for child care facilities and sport centers

INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR PREQUALIFICATION Prequalification Ref. No. P/67JFF/J6G/MULTI /25-09-2023 ACTED, implementing the project “Reduce the impact of the conflict on refugees in Moldova and ensure access to humanitarian assistance” under the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees’ funding, is inviting suppliers of works to submit offers for the following lot: Lot Description Location Delivery deadline 1 Childcare Facility Balti Balti 6 weeks after signature of contract 2 Childcare Facility Chisinau Chisinau 7 weeks after signature of contract 3 Sport Facility…

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International Call for Tender_MOLDOVA_Works for the Community center rehabilitation in Chișinău

INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER Tender Ref. No. P/67JFF/J6G/IIS/CHS/25-09-2023 ACTED, implementing the project “Reduce the impact of the conflict on refugees in Moldova & ensure access to humanitarian assistance” under UNHCR’s funding, is inviting suppliers of works to submit offers for the following works for UID 12, Chișinău, rehabilitation.   Lot Description Quantity Unit INCOTERMS & Delivery point Delivery deadline 1 Works for UID 12 Chișinău rehabilitation 1 LS DPP UID 12 Chișinău, str. Valea Rediului 16 15 of December 2023…

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PLAN INTERNATIONAL ETHIOPIA INTERNATIONAL TENDER NOTICE INVITATION TO BID FOR THE SUPPLY food item (RUSF and CSB++) Bid No: PIE/PRM/ 045/2023 Plan International is a rights-based development and humanitarian organization working for better lives for all children. We are independent of government and have no political or religious affiliation. Our purpose is to strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years, and…

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Purchase, supply and distribution of sodium hypochlorite solution to water utilities throughout the Gaza Strip

    إعلان العطاء شراء وتوريد وتوزيع محلول هيبوكلوريت الصوديوم  لمرافق المياه في جميع أنحاء قطاع غزة. عطاء رقم (HA.01.2023) :   رقم المناقصة اسم العطاء ثمن نسخة العطاء تاريخ الطرح آخر موعد لبيع العطاءات للموردين HA.01.2023 شراء وتوريد وتوزيع هيبوكلوريت الصوديوم  مرافق المياه في جميع أنحاء قطاع غزة 100 (USD) الثلاثاء 08.08.2023 الأربعاء 30.08.2023 موعد توزيع العطاء: يبدأ توزيع العطاء على الشركات يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 08.08.2023 موعد الاجتماع التمهيدي: الثلاثاء الموافق 22.08.2023 في تمام الساعة 11:00 صباحاً في مكتب مؤسسة…

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MAG LB 2023 ITT 05 Provision of Tracked Excavator and Crusher Bucket

MAG Lebanon MAG is a Nobel Prize‐winning organization committed to creating safe and secure futures for women, men and children around the world. MAG works by finding and destroying landmines, cluster bombs and the explosive remnants of war and by advocating and campaigning on behalf of those whose lives are blighted by the lethal debris of conflict. MAG Lebanon is seeking suppliers for the Provision of Tracked Excavator and Crusher Bucket. Publication of ITT: 25th of July 2023 Clarification Period: 4th of August…

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Invitation to Bid: Framework Agreement on procurement of vehicle rental services

Exclusive Tender Opportunity in Poland Visit Invitation to Bid: Framework Agreement on procurement of vehicle rental services | DRC Danish Refugee Council and submit your bid online. RFP Reference No.: ITB-POL-0009 RFP Issuing date: 09 Jun 2023 RFP Closure date: 23 Jun 2023 – 15:59 UTC To visit the specific tender and submit your bid online or download the full tender package – follow this LINK To visit the DRC international tender page – follow this LINK

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Request for Proposal: Provision of consultancy services for communication and dissemination of project’s activities and results

Exclusive Tender Opportunity in Italy Visit Request for Proposal: Provision of consultancy services for communication and dissemination of project’s activities and results | DRC Danish Refugee Council  and submit your bid online. RFP Reference No.: RFP-ITA-000007 RFP Issuing date: 09 Jun 2023 RFP Closure date: 22 Jun 2023 – 11:00 UTC To visit the specific tender and submit your bid online or download the full tender package – follow this LINK To visit the DRC international tender page – follow this…

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Full-time Technical Support on Climate Adaptation

Exclusive Full-time Technical Support on Climate Adaptation | DRC Danish Refugee Council Tender Opportunity for DRC HQ Visit and submit your bid online. RFP Reference No.: DKHQ_RFP_PR_00245338 RFP Issuing date: 09 Jun 2023 RFP Closure date: 29 Jun 2023 – 15:00 UTC To visit the specific tender and submit your bid online or download the full tender package – follow this LINK To visit the DRC international tender page – follow this LINK

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