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Invitation to Tender (ITT) for Accountancy Services – GOAL Turkey

GOAL Turkey Established in 1977, GOAL is an international humanitarian and development agency committed to working with communities to achieve sustainable and innovative early response in crises and to assist them to build lasting solutions to mitigate poverty and vulnerability. GOAL has worked in over sixty (60) countries and responded to almost every major humanitarian disaster. We are currently operational in thirteen (13) countries globally. For more information on GOAL and its operations please visit https://www.goalglobal.org/.  Service Specification: GOAL Turkey…

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Expression of Interest (EOI) For a Proposal Development Consultant

GOAL Ireland Process: Expression Of Interest Expression of Interest (EOI) for a Proposal Development Consultant. Reference: DUB-EOI-Proposal Dev-2022 Document: Click on the link below to download the EOI document EOI Published: 15th September 2022 Closing date and time for clarifications: 6th October 2022 at 17:00 hrs GMT Closing date and time for receipt of Tenders: 13th October 2022 at 17:00 hrs GMT Please download the below documents for further information on clarifications and submissions. Attachments Cover letter template for Individuals (24…

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Niamey, le 09/09/2022 AVIS DE DEMANDE DE COTATIONS FORMELLES   Réf : ITT-CNS-SCI-NER-NY-2022-003 Save the Children International est la première organisation indépendante au monde pour les enfants. Nous travaillons dans 120 pays. Nous sauvons la vie des enfants ; nous nous battons pour leurs droits ; nous les aidons à réaliser leur potentiel. Nous travaillons de concert avec nos partenaires, à inspirer des changements majeurs dans la façon dont le monde traite les enfants et à réaliser des changements immédiats et durables dans leurs vies.…

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Request for Proposal (RFP) for, GDPR & Data Privacy documentation and risk assessment platform (DRC HQ). 

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is looking for a user-friendly new cloud-based Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) platform focusing on Enterprise Risk Management and GDPR/Data Privacy documentation. The scope of the assignment is to configure business requirements, migrate existing data, implement necessary operating governance, and training of key-personnel in the use of the platform. The purchase agreement needs to assign for 24 months with the possibility of 2 x 12 months extension. DRC requests the interested candidates to submit the…

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Request for Proposal (RFP) for Consultancy for undertaking a comprehensive review of the Data Entry & Exploration Platform (DEEP) (DRC HQ). 

The Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) (app.thedeep.io / thedeep.io) was initially established in 2016 and developed to strengthen collective sense-making and analysis. It is an online collaborative platform for humanitarian analysis which meets the need for common means to compile, store, structure and share qualitative data and information. DEEP is being adopted by an increasing number of humanitarian and development organizations seeking to achieve a more robust, collaborative and transparent approach to needs assessments and analysis with some 4,800…

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Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL) Consultant for Save the Children‘s Global Campaign

Save the Children campaigns because we know that decision makers do not always base their choices on rational evidence; our counterweight is people power. Through campaigning we engage publics to shift political conditions for changes in policy and practice. As a central element of our 2022-24 Strategy, Save the Children is committed to advocate, campaign and mobilise to achieve transformational change for children.  As part of this commitment, we are seeking a consultant to develop a MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation and…

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MAG Lebanon- Capacity Development

MAG’s vision is a safe and secure future for men, women and children affected by armed violence and conflict. Since 1989 we have worked in more than 40 countries to save lives and build futures by: Reclaiming land contaminated with the remnants of conflict, such as landmines, cluster munitions, bombs, shells and mortars; Finding ways to reduce the daily risk of death or injury for civilians; and Creating safe and secure conditions for development. MAG shares the 1997 Nobel Peace…

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CONCERN WORLDWIDE DRC: Expression of Interest to select a list of suppliers for the provision of food, seeds and farming tools with delivery in Goma or North Kivu, DRC.

Concern Worldwide DRC is looking for potential suppliers for the provision of food, seeds and farming tools in North Kivu under an expression of interest to select a list of suppliers for a maximum of 18 months. The tender pack can be requested at Goma office (Quartier des Volcans, Avenue Pelican No14 – Ville de Goma), Masisi office (Quartier Mont Ngaliema, Avenue camp résidentiel, commune rurale de Masisi) or Kitshanga office (25, Av. President MOBUTU, Colline Katanda, village Kitshanga) or…

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Invitation to bid (ITB) – Water Systems  (DRC Nigeria)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has received grants from multiple donors for the implementation of its humanitarian aid operations in Nigeria.  DRC requests you to submit technical and financial offers for the supply of water systems as listed in the attached bid documentation.  The tender is divided into 3 Lots. ITB Reference no.: ITB-011NGA22 Questions to this ITB? please write to amarachi.nzenwa@drc.ngo ITB publication date:  13 July 2022 ITB closure date and time: local Nigeria time : 3 August 2022,…

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Consultation for Children’s Consultations – Moldova

Background Information on Plan International Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children. We…

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CONCERN WORLDWIDE CHAD: Call to tender for reputable and reliable companies for constructions in health centers in Chad

Concern Worldwide Chad is now inviting reputable and reliable companies to build and rehabilitate several health centers in the Lake Province. Please see complete tender ad at https://www.concern.net/accountability/supply-chains. Works providers can request a soft copy of the tender dossier by emailing Chad.admin@concern.net OR by collection at Concern Worldwide’s various offices in Chad: N’Djamena, Baga Sola, Bol, Goz Beida from Friday 8th July 2022. Tender Reference: CWW_TD_BSL_202207_SR0000945 A0 006 Deadline Date: Friday 29th July 2022, at 12h GMT+1

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Web Donation Conversion Optimisation Tender

Tearfund is a Relief & Development charity that operates as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO) with its head office in Teddington, United Kingdom. Tearfund works in over 50 countries in close partnership with churches and other Christian organisations. For more information on the work of Tearfund, please visit our website at www.tearfund.org or contact us directly. Tearfund is seeking to enter into an agreement with a Supplier for web donation conversion optimisation service.  The opportunity is to work with a specialist…

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Invitation to Bid (ITB) provision of vehicle rental services (framework agreement) (DRC Ukraine and Poland)

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has received a grant from various Donors for the implementation of the humanitarian aid operation entitled DRC Poland. In a result, DRC representations in Poland would like to set up the Framework Agreement(s) with a duration of 6 months (with possible extension for another 6 months) for the provision of vehicle rental services. DRC therefore kindly invites all eligible & qualified suppliers to participate & respond to the tender by submission of bids. All further…

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RFQ FY22 – 127 Ukraine Crisis – Interagency Children’s Consultation

  Background Information on Plan International Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected. Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.…

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Printing & Supply of Exercise Books (Bangla, English, Math & Drawing) – Bangladesh CO

Save the Children International (SCI) is inviting you to submit your bids to provide Printing and supply of exercise books service. the successful supplier(s) will be awarded a ‘Contract’ which will commit SCI to purchase the specified quantity of goods / services as defined in the contract at the agreed rates. Your bid must be received, no later than July 31, 2022 (3:00 PM Bangladesh Standard Time) SC-PR-13 Invitation to Tender (ITT) Printing_SJ_Final   Attachments SC-PR-13 Invitation to Tender (ITT)…

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Save the Children (SCI) Sri Lanka wants to enter into a framework agreement with one or more Financial Service Providers (FSP) for the distribution of cash to its beneficiaries in its area of operation. The Framework Agreement does not commit SCI to any purchases or specific volumes. Any future purchases which will be completed under separate Purchase Orders which will be governed and linked to the original Framework Agreement. Your bid must be received, no later than 20th July 2022 –…

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GOAL Established in 1977, GOAL is an international humanitarian and development agency committed to working with communities to achieve sustainable and innovative early response in crises and to assist them to build lasting solutions to mitigate poverty and vulnerability. GOAL has worked in over 60 countries and responded to almost every major humanitarian disaster. We are currently operational in 13 countries globally. For more information on GOAL and its operations please visit www.goalglobal.org. Service Specification: GOAL invites prospective Service Providers…

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Invitation to Tender – JISRA Audit Services (TF-UK-2022-04)

Tearfund is a Relief & Development charity that operates as an International Non-Governmental Organisation (INGO) with its head office in Teddington, United Kingdom. Tearfund works in over 50 countries in close partnership with churches and other Christian organisations. For more information on the work of Tearfund, please visit our website at www.tearfund.org or contact us directly. Tearfund is currently acting as a Consortium Partner for a project funded by the Dutch Government’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs as part of the Strategic…

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Request for Proposal (RFP) for an external evaluation (DRC HQ)

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) Humanitarian Disarmament & Peacebuilding (formerly Danish Demining Group) and Mines Advisory Group (MAG) are seeking bids from independent experts and external evaluators to undertake an evaluation of a 5.5-year global Humanitarian Mine Action (HMA) and Small Arms Light Weapons (SALW) project. The project is implemented between 1 January 2018 and 30 June 2023, with activities conducted in 20 countries and funded by Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The consultancy will include assessments in 4 countries…

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