Malaria Consortium is one of the world’s leading non-profit organisations specialising in the prevention, control and treatment of malaria and other communicable diseases among vulnerable people.
Our mission is to improve lives in Africa and Asia through sustainable, evidence-based programmes that combat targeted diseases and promote child and maternal health.
Request for Proposal details
It is the intent of this RFP to secure competitive proposals to select a freight forwarder who will act on behalf of Malaria Consortium to manage collection, freight, customs clearance and delivery of anti-malarial commodities from quality assured manufacturers around the world to Malaria Consortium countries of operation.
Bids must be received by Friday 6th November 2020, 17:00 UK time. Bids submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
Bidders may ask for clarifications on this request for proposal up to the 30th October, 16.00 UK time by sending an email to tenders@malariaconsortium.org with the following reference in the subject: ‘MC-UK-014-INTERNATIONAL FREIGHT-Questions’